Wednesday, September 12, 2012


oh this guy.
he's amazing.
he's my heart and my soul.
he's the bomb.
i can't ever get enough of him.

we headed to our fave restaurant
and then to starbucks.
for coffee and reading.

i looked up at one point
and this is what i saw.
i love him.

we have gotten some bad news
in the past couple of days.
shane received news that his grandpa
has stomach cancer. 
he lives in ohio.
the news, obviously, sucks.
i hurt for him.
and his family.
and especially his dad.

i just went through the experience
of losing my grandpa to cancer.
it is the worst.
the worst.
to watch someone suffer.
to watch someone fight that fight.

we are praying they are able to do
something for him.
we are praying for a miracle.
we are waiting to hear news.

i also received news today that one of
my dearest friends
is having a health issue.
i will not share because 
it is her personal business.
however, she doesn't deserve it.
she's been through enough.
i love her to pieces.
i hate to see her hurting.
and overwhelmed.
i am praying for another miracle.

news like this is all very sobering.
it makes you realize all the dumb 
little things that you have been
fretting about
and worried about
are pointless.
it makes you look at every single
person in your life as a blessing.
it makes you thank the good lord
for your health.

i am so lucky to have this man. 
he is a breath of fresh air.
i love coming home to him in the afternoons.
i wish we had all the time in the world together.

please keep shane's grandpa and my friend
in your prayers.

on a much lighter note, 
i promised i'd share a find with you guys.

this find is epic.

while mom and i were at
the flea market getting doilies for her
fall table,
we spotted this beauty.

i mean c'mon.
you know i flipped out.
like i flipped out.
i knew i couldn't buy it.
i knew shane would kill me
if i bought more furniture 
while we are still in this apartment.

my mom bought it for me.
yes, $80.
i felt like i was stealing such an amazing find.

i mean the granny floral.
the gorgeous feet.

oh it has most definitely stolen my heart.
it is my favorite find.
i think.
thank you mom.
thank you, thank you, thank you.

well happy wednesday guys.
only two days to go and then
the sweet weekend.
i am definitely looking forward to it.

kiss your family tonite.
and thank god for them.


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