Tuesday, May 27, 2014

signs of life...

well hello little blog.
i am still alive.
and i swore to myself i would not
let months go by without blogging.
sorry guys, i lied.
let's recap what's been going on
around here before i get into
the topic of the post.

the school year has just ended.
let's just put it mildly and say,
it was the worst school year ever.
yes, that's mild.
i could have added profanities,
a. that's not very christian
b. i was being mild.

it whooped my butt.
completely whooped my butt.
i am glad it's over.
i'm slowly regaining my sanity
and mental stability.
(im joking, it's not that extreme,
well kinda)

other than the whole school thing,
things are great around here.
i am so so content with life.

and just as a side note to jesus,
please don't take that as your cue to
bring on any chaos.

we are very settled in the house.
my extra time has been spent
with the boo and family and friends.
i am also looking forward to a summer
of reading, coffee, blogging, napping,
and any other peaceful
activities that do not involve
teaching the most difficult class ever.

okay, now that you are up to speed
with my life lately,
let me get to why i am posting.

i just finished reading the nesting place
it is a great read.
i finished it in two afternoons.

while our decorating styles differ
quite a bit,
i enjoyed reading her take on home
and what makes a home.
i've been interested in this a lot lately.
i love finding out about the way other women
view their homes and their
approaches to decorating them.

a lot of what she wrote had to do with
(my one little word for 2014)
she wrote about using what you have,
embracing imperfection,
enjoying the journey of the home,
and not just "waiting" for the
"finished" product.

i feel like, surprisingly,
i am learning to do the same.
we have discussed the little OCD man
that lives in my head here before.

i am by no means one of those germ
OCD people, however,
i am one that enjoys everything
just so, and in its place.
i also like a clean house.
i do not like clutter, 
or piles,
or dirty floors,
or dirty bathrooms,
or dirty anything.

i am learning to leave the little messes
for a while when i am busy
enjoying the moments
of life.

i am learning that the little things
out of place and laying around
prove that there is life in this house.

they prove that there are people around
here living and loving
and resting
and playing.

i am also embracing
shane's little messes.

i have to admit something here.
when shane and i first got married
i was super super rude about our space.
i treated it much more like MY space.
i wouldn't let him just live.
i was overbearing.
i was mean.
i was nagging.
yes, i nag. nagged.
(who am i kidding, i still nag.
isn't that a wife's job.)

i would get so mad at any little
thing that was left lying around
that was his.
i would blow up about it.

but now, i love finding little
pieces of him
around here.
it reminds me that this home
is ours.
it's a blend of the two of us.
it also makes me smile
when i find his random things everywhere.
he works a lot so those little artifacts
make me feel like he's still here.

by the way, do not ask me why this
tool is on his bed side table.
he did not do any toolish
activities the day i took these pictures.
i swear the boy is SO random.

as you know, 
we don't have kids of our own
so we just spoil the heck out of 
our godchildren.
and it's funny because their messes
are my favorite.

i'll admit
there was a time,
when they were younger,
that i would pick up almost
as they were playing.
i hated when things got out of order.
now, those messes that they leave
from playing don't bother me one bit.

their big mess of toys is still out upstairs
and yes, it's been there over a week.
but every time i go upstairs i can't help
but smile.

i am also surrendering
to the fact that furnishing and decorating
is never-ending.
and honestly,
i'm kinda loving that aspect.
i am changing things out when i feel like it.
finishing things, when i feel like it.
purchasing things, when i feel like it.
no pressure.
and it's so great.

i love knowing that i always
have the freedom to cultivate our home.

so, with all that said,
i love the signs of life around here.
i love enjoying home.
using it.
living in it.
having fun in it.
i love that i'm free to just be here.
i love that others enjoy it here.

i am looking forward to a summer filled
with time in this house,
our home.

i am looking forward to the constant
process of creating a place that
we love to be in and that we can
call ours for a lifetime.

i know i will always be particular
about how things are kept
and i know this world is not
our permanent home.

it's nice to have a place
that you love to lay your head
for now.


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